Ubuntu 20.04 open HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 with ufw

Stop VMWare from using port 443. |VMware Communities Dec 01, 2016 Port 443 - Computers - Plex Forum Nov 12, 2012 port 443 not listening - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Community

Redirect request from port 443 to some other port in IIS

OpenVPN via port 443 | Netgate Forum I run OpenVPN at 443 for my use as well, but the default will always be 1194 which is the officially-assigned-by-the-IANA OpenVPN port number (see IANA port list and Wikipedia port list). I doubt pfSense will change the default from the officially-assigned port any time soon. ssl - Serving port 443 over http creates 400 Bad Request

Find 443 (or whatever port VS is complaining about) And see what app is using it – and kill it. In my case Skype was using 443. Signing out of Skype solved the problem. Jon. newer How to Setup a Visual Studio Online (VSO) Git Repo in SourceTree older How to Setup a Namecheap.com CNAME for an Azure Web App Custom Domain

Using netstat -ao | find ":443", I found out that port 443 is being used by PID 4, which was the System process. This happened to me twice on Windows Server 2012, and it was due to one of the following reasons: IIS was running, listed as "World Wide Web P