openssl ca -config openssl-1.0.0.cnf -extensions server -days 375 -notext -md sha512 -in keys/ -out keys/ -startdate 20170304000000 -enddate 20180401000000 openssl share | improve this question | follow |

Create your own OCSP server. This is to give an idea of Sep 12, 2018 openssl « The SQL Dude! openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -out C:\Users\sudarn\Desktop\cert.pfx -in C:\Users\sudarn\Desktop\cert.pem -name "SUDARN2 (SQLCert)" -passout pass:mypassword This will create a file called cert.pfx which can be used to install the certificate or imported using the MMC certificates snap-in. Tutorial for X.509 security in Azure IoT Hub | Microsoft Docs Set up X.509 security in your Azure IoT hub. 08/20/2019; 6 minutes to read +8; In this article. This tutorial shows the steps you need to secure your Azure IoT hub using the X.509 Certificate Authentication.For the purpose of illustration, we use the open-source tool OpenSSL to create certificates locally on your Windows machine. openssl で 証明書の期限を確認する - Qiita

openssl ca [-help] [-verbose] Specifically, certificate validity period (specified by any of -startdate, -enddate and -days) will be encoded as UTCTime if the dates are earlier than year 2049 (included), and as GeneralizedTime if the dates are in year 2050 or later.

Certificate management - Linux Documentation Project -newreq (openssl req -config /etc/openssl.cnf -new -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem \ -days 365) creates a new private key and a certificate request and place it as newreq.pem. Enter a Common Name (CN) the main usage of the certificate for instance if you want to secure the website, or enter Crypt::OpenSSL::CA - The crypto parts of an X509v3

Feb 28, 2020

19 Practical Examples of Openssl Command in Linux and Unix Jun 25, 2018 Output a SSL certificate start or end date Using date date --date=\"$(openssl x509 -in xxxxxx.crt -noout -startdate | cut -d= -f 2)\" --iso-8601 - (Output a SSL certificate start or end date A quick and simple way of outputting the start and end date of a certificate, you can simply use 'openssl x509 -in xxxxxx.crt -noout -enddate' to output the end date (ex. notAfter=Feb 01 11:30:32 2009 GMT) and with the date command you format the output to an How do I display the contents of a SSL certificate Jul 16, 2020 Generating a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL